On the Future of Army History: Still Lost in the Woods Looking for a Reflective Belt

I recently read a great article from Foreign Policy citing a lack of critical thinking skills on the part of U.S. Army officers, and it stated that a solution lay in a better groundwork in history. First off, anyone who's spent time working on staff at any level can agree to the lack of critical thinking. …

Unicorns At War: Leadership in the Army

This post first appeared on Medium here. It has been reposted in its entirety. A famous person once said, “No modern army has ever lost a war when they had unicorns on their side.” I have not found any empirical evidence to show that this is not the case, so the adage must be true. …

Retrograde: The Least Sexy thing in the Army

This post first appeared on Medium here. It has been reposted in its entirety. This was my first blog post. Some say that beginnings are hard to do. For beginning a war, this might seem to be the case, as the months of planning, logistical coordination, and troop movements come to fruition in the first …