When the Words Stopped

For years, I was blessed with a marvelous ability: to be able to just sit down and begin writing. And then to finish writing, with an actual product. And like with most abilities, I took it for granted. I would jest about writer’s block as if I truly knew what it meant, even though for …

Finding Space – Chapter Five

Energy blasts arced across the sky, blue hints against the permanent dark yellow. Someone was apparently fighting someone. Ian was laying on his back, gazing upwards. He briefly shut his eyes, yearning for some blessed relief from the ever-present light. Space is supposed to be dark he argued to himself. They'd moved far more than …

Finding Space – Chapter Four

The fighting had gone on for hours. The platoon had formed a cordon, had exhausted all their ammunition, and had ended up using the weapons of their fallen enemies -- to good effect, thought Ian. He went into the fight with twenty-three troopers. He could count twelve relatively uninjured ones around him right now, sprawled …

Finding Space – Chapter Three

There had been chattering voices over the intercom after the last transmission -- suddenly higher headquarters was very much online, very much insistent that Ian provide SITREP after SITREP. Ian scowled in annoyance at the voices in his ear, wishing he could disappear into radio silence once more. He briefly considered ordering the platoon back …

Finding Space – Chapter Two

Welcome to an experimental story I've been working on of what war in the future might look like. It will be serialized until it is complete. Ian had been in innumerable firefights before. Most had been small, short, and sharp. Then there was that one time in a valley back on Leto 9, where he’d …

Thursday Thoughts: Warfare in 5G

Trade is a basic human function. Not only does it ensure monetary subsistence to individuals and societies, but it also spreads ideas and opens minds. It serves to connect individuals from disparate backgrounds, making them part of a larger whole. Commerce is inextricably linked to the advance of technology. Where technology leads, commerce will follow. …

Writing a Novel about Terrorism: When Fiction Becomes Reality

Today’s guest post comes from writer David Bruns. David is a former US Navy submarine officer turned corporate executive turned science fiction writer. In his spare time, he co-authors contemporary thrillers with retired naval intel officer, JR Olson. They write stories based on current events that seem less like fiction every time they read the news. …

What’s in a Name? Blogging under a Pseudonym

Fezzik: "Why do you wear a mask? Were you burned by acid or something?" Westley: "Oh no. It's just they're terribly comfortable. I think everyone will be wearing them in the future.” -The Princess Bride Ever since I started writing under the guise of Angry Staff Officer, I've had a lot of people ask me, …